just shoot it!
we took a trip to US 3 years ago. spent almost 14hrs on the airplane and when i'm wide awake, i'd usually peek thru the windows from time to time checking the clouds and the ground.
flying over north america is not as boring as flying over asia where you would usually see blue waters throughout the trip... flying over north america is kinda interesting - specially when it's snowing!
<- my fave: cloud patterns! ->
body of water (somewhere above Canada?)
covered with thick ice!
looks like they had plenty of snow over there as well:
<- while some area's still clear frost on my window
cool sight, pun intended :D
and the most interesting part i watch out for when i'm on a plane!
the twilight zone!
so when your digicam's with you - on the plane or on the bus... it's called a point and shoot... so why don't you? =P it's all about memories =) so just point and shoot!
we took a trip to US 3 years ago. spent almost 14hrs on the airplane and when i'm wide awake, i'd usually peek thru the windows from time to time checking the clouds and the ground.
flying over north america is not as boring as flying over asia where you would usually see blue waters throughout the trip... flying over north america is kinda interesting - specially when it's snowing!

body of water (somewhere above Canada?)

looks like they had plenty of snow over there as well:

and the most interesting part i watch out for when i'm on a plane!

so when your digicam's with you - on the plane or on the bus... it's called a point and shoot... so why don't you? =P it's all about memories =) so just point and shoot!